Connecting Through Writing

I have always been a writer, but I have only recently discovered a talent for helping others in their adventures with words. While working for a small publishing company, I recognized a drive within me to help others elevate their skills while continuing to grow my own. That's how I decided to offer writing services. But it does present a few challenges for someone like me. I'm an intense introvert. It's something I love about myself. I don't need a lot of social interaction. In fact, it drains me. But it has become clear to me that being an exceptional writer sometimes requires community. I've worked with many authors as a ghostwriter and developmental editor, and I have found great satisfaction in helping other writers achieve their dreams of creating art and being published. Do you need some community to help you with your writing? I can offer my services as a ghostwriter, developmental editor, beta reader, or writing coach. Fill out the contact form below, an...